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Ajjubhai94 vs Raistar Stats Comparison

  • Update Time : Sunday, April 25, 2021
  • 1695 Time View

Ajjubhai and Raistar are some of the most prominent names in the Indian Free Fire community as they use two of the most successful YouTube channels. The first has 23.3 million subscribers and 4.19 million respectively. They are both known for their outstanding and fun performances.

Ajjubhai took part in 11305 team matches and outnumbered his opponents by 2729 in it, resulting in a winning streak of 24.13%. During this time, you have removed 42222, which maintains a K / D rating of 4.92. Of these, 14797 were headaches and had a 35.05% shooting rate.

He has 310 Booyahs in 1676 games for the duo, equivalent to a winning percentage of 18.49%. Ajjubhai defended the killing of 6522 people and 2213 headshots with a K / D rating of 4.77 and a headshot rate of 33.93%.

YouTuber has played 907 games alone and has a winning total of 79 games, with a win win of 8.71%. Of the 2300 people killed, 734 were shot, and he maintained a K / D average of 2.78 and 31.91%.

The content builder won 103 games out of 568 teams, falling to a winning level of 18.13%. Ajjubhai registered 2292 killings and 949 headshots, keeping a K / D rating and 4.92 percent headshot. and 41.40%, respectively.

He has participated in eight duo games this ongoing season and collected three of them, with a winning percentage of 37.50%. He collected 48 kills, keeping a 9.60 K / D average. He has 11 headshots with a K / D ratio of 22.92%. Ajjubhai also played two games alone.

Raistar has 15823 finishing first place in 2672 games in addition to a winning percentage of 16.88%. With a K / D rating of 3.97 and a head rate of 47.19%, you have 52265 kills and 24663 headshots.

The player has competed in 4477 duo games and targeted his opponents in 705 of them, with a winning rating of 15.74%. He loaded 14353 killing bags with a K / D rating of 3.81. While doing this, he has 5241 headshots with a detection rate of 36.52%.

Raistar has 3522 games in his name and remains unbeaten in 401 of them, which translates into a winning rate of 11.38%. He has used 10734 murder cases, of which 4661 have been shot in the head. He handled the K / D average with a headshot of 3.44 and 43.42%, respectively.

He has appeared in 284 team games and has won 12 of them, equivalent to a winning percentage of 4.22%. The broadcaster has 641 killers with a K / D rating of 2.36. He wrote 417 headshots with a headline rating of 65.05%.

Raistar has played two duo games and killed 14, confirming a 12-point winning streak. He has nine headshots with a rate of 64.29%.

YouTuber has participated in only 2 games and two kits with one K / D rating and 50% head rate.

Ajjubhai is on the edge of his partner in terms of K / D ratio and winning rate in the team and duo, with Raistar earning a percentage. The latter has the highest numbers in individual games.

Independent solo and dual statistics cannot be compared since the players did not play many of these games. In team matches, Ajjubhai has played a key role in the K / D rating and winning rate as Raistar has a better headshot percentage.

That’s all today we will see soon in the next article, until then take care.

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